We’re all looking for that one, silver-bullet tweak that can take our ABM from zero to sixty in twenty seconds. Don’t worry; there are a few of them out there (and we won’t skimp on them during this session).
These small optimizations won’t truly make a difference if you don’t first optimize who you’re reaching, where you’re reaching them, and how you’re showing that reach. Those tweaks need to be a combination of short-term and long-lasting. That’s why we’re rethinking optimization in this session: It has to be more than just in one-off campaigns — it has to run across audiences and measurement, too.
In this session, join RollWorks’ Head of Content, Caroline Van Dyke, to get the scoop on:
- How to optimize your target account list into sub-segments that drive specific, one-size-fits-you outcomes;
- A handful of “quick tweaks” across channels like email, display and E-gifting that fulfill every budget optimizer’s dream; and
- Which metrics matter (for you), when — and how to optimize your dashboard to become boardroom ready.